Man Overboard Services

Employees working on or near water face the ever present danger of falling overboard and worse yet, potential drowning. This is an issue that has plagued the maritime industry as long as we’ve worked on water. Prevention is key, but what happens if an employee does fall overboard? Do your crews have the training, equipment, and ability to retrieve the lost employee?
McCulley, Eastham & Associates, Inc, in cooperation with Marathon Marine, has developed a training course directed at this very problem. The first of its kind to be developed and implemented for “brown water (inland rivers)”, this course has been well received by barge and dock workers as well as facility managers who have employees working on or near water. It focuses on behavioral objectives to prevent man overboard incidents but goes a step further to address the needs of retrieval. Special emphasis is given to cold water issues and night time operations where the urgency of retrieval is greatly increased.
Students receive classroom training on the physiology and impact of cold water on the human body with defensive tactics to be used in the event of such an entry to prolong survival. The training discusses the theory of rescue and retrieval methods and allows for open dialog for employees to get involved in how they can apply these theories to their workplace. Following the classroom training, students have an opportunity to practice the theories they’ve learned in a safe dry environment, and then proceed waterside to put these techniques in use in a controlled environment.
Safety is as always of the utmost importance throughout the hands-on sections of this course. We utilize safety divers in the water to receive, reassure, and assist the entran ts, most of whom have never entered the water wearing their personal flotation devices. This step builds confidence in the PPE and emphasizes the importance of wearing the correct PPE, and even more critically – wearing it properly. Students receive life critical skills to better prepare themselves to work safely around water.

ResQMax® Line Thrower
MEA is pleased to be an authorized distributor and qualified service point for Rescue Solutions International and their ResQMax line thrower. This amazing rescue tool allows a rescuer to deploy a line and auto-inflating sling up to 400 feet into the water from shore or boat based operations to extend the reach of rescue efforts in man overboard incidents. These units are implemented as a part of the curriculum taught to students in our man overboard training. There are additional applications for these units for ship to ship and ship to shore line deployment. Please contact us with any questions and to receive pricing on the ResQMax Line Thrower.