Staff Information

Eastham, Angie
President / CEO, RNAngie is the President and CEO of McCulley, Eastham & Associates, Inc. She holds a Nursing Degree from Shawnee State University. Angie brings a fresh perspective to the management of MEA in her new role as CEO and is actively involved in the daily operations of the company. She continues to seek further education in safety and health topics.

Eastham, L. Todd
Chairman EmeritusTodd is the Founder of McCulley, Eastham & Associates, Inc. and presently serves as Vice President and Chairman Emeritus. Mr. Eastham is a Board Certified Safety and Health Manager, and brings over 25 years of experience in the confined space rescue, risk management, and OSHA compliance fields to the company. Todd currently serves on the ANZI Z117 Committee, Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces, as well as the Committee on Standards and Practices for the Institute of Safety and Health Management. In addition to his association with McCulley, Eastham & Associates, Inc., Todd is currently a field events specialist with Team USA Track and Field, having represented the United States at International meets, and earning double All American at the ripe age of 50. He continues to be an avid outdoorsman, wildlife conservationist, and coaches throwers both locally, and from around the nation.