Emergency Response

Is Your Organization Prepared For An Emergency?
We'll concede that the training, personnel and equipment required to manage an emergency response team is extremely expensive. But what is even more expensive: The collateral damage resulting from a poorly executed emergency response. The loss of human life and financial assets can be so great that a company cannot overcome the setback.
Emergency Response Solutions:
- Permit Required Confined Space Attendents
- Fire Watch
- Emergency Response Program Assessment & Consultation
- ERT Standard Operation Procedure development
- Permit Required Confined Space Hazard Assessments
- Specialized Industrial Rescue
- H2S Rescue Services
- High Angle Rope Rescue
Emergency Response and Training Services
Your employees and your company's reputation are two of your greatest assets. Our Emergency Response and Training Division has been established to help you protect both in the event of an emergency or planned outage. By utilizing highly trained and skilled professional rescuers and trainers, we fill the needs of any size organization with a variety of service and training options. Special Operations members will assist with the planning and organization of the rescue, fire watch, and medical first response needs of your facility's planned outage. Our group also provides many options to allow our Emergency Responders to staff your facility with professional Fire & Rescue Teams 24-7.
24 Hour Crisis Assistance
Our tactical response and rescue team members know that a facility outage or emergency incident cannot always be planned. Our members can be deployed on short notice to any place in the world, giving you the assurance that you don't have to handle such crises on your own.
Additionally, our team can perform an assessment of your response needs and provide emergency response and program management at your facility accordingly. Give us a call to request more information, discuss your needs, or schedule an assessment.
Extreme High-Angle Stand-by Rope Rescue
Our teams are trained to safely rig high angle rescue stand-by on such platforms as towers, emissions stacks and large industrial vessels to ensure your employees are protected while working at high elevations.
H2S Stand-by Services
H2S response requires a highly trained team that not only knows rescue and fire fighting, but also has an understanding of industrial hygiene principles. Our 3 person rescue teams are made up of a multi-disciplined group with the expertise to properly assess and mitigate hazards. These team members establish an exclusion zone and manage the potential H2S, medical, environmental, and fire hazards that could occur.
Confined Space Stand-by Rescue Services
MEA fields two (2) person teams for low hazard industries and projects such as tank inspection in clean and well ventilated spaces and power house projects. A minimum three (3) person team is utilized for higher hazard industries or projects that involve high-angle operations and inert entry utilizing SCBA or supplied air respiratory protection.